The terms of purchase form the basis for the selection of cattle in Germany. These terms are partially defined through guidelines of the respective country of destination. Moreover, the terms of purchase are specified by means of the clients’ individual requirements. This especially applies for breed, sex, age, stage of pregnancy, and the production traits of sire and dam of the animal to be selected.
Each animal exported by the ZVE is accompanied by an official pedigree certificate issued by the respective breed’s herdbook organization. Those pedigree certificates are verified and signed by the officially recognized herdbook organizations. They include parentage data from the herdbook database kept at the respective data centers. The production data originate from the official milk recording. The same pedigree certificate is used for both domestic and international marketing.
Pedigree certificate Holstein & Red Holstein
Pedigree certificate Brown Swiss
Pedigree certificate German Simmental
More informations about the purchase terms available
under telephone number +49 (0)561 – 510890 or by E-Mail.